Pacific J ournal of M edical and H ealth Sciences

ISSN No.: 2456-7450

Prof Emeritus Dr.S.K Verma
( Chief Editor)

Ravindra Bangar

2023 2022
2021 2020

A Bi-Annual International Peer Reviewed Journal of the Pacific Group of Institutions in the Medical and Health Sciences
Volume 9 Issue 1,January 2024

Title : Platelet Aggregation Response to Physical Stress in Different Subsets of Individuals [Paper-1(Research Paper)]
Authors : I.S.Deora, Y.K.Bolya and S.K.Verma
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of stress (TMT) on the platelet aggregation in healthy individuals, patients with IHD, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and patients with both IHD and diabetes mellitus. Forty persons were selected, 10 for each group. They were subjected to TMT after due consent, and blood samples were collected initially and after TMT. The blood samples were analysed for platelet aggregation using ADP and collagen as agonists. It was observed that in healthy individuals, stress reduced platelet aggregation by around 20% and 21% induced by ADP and collagen respectively, which were statistically significant (p<0.05). In patients with IHD, physical stress significantly increased platelet aggregation induced by ADP by about 29% (p<0.001) and by collagen it increased by around 45% (p<0.01).Surprisingly, stress (TMT) did not affect platelet aggregation induced by ADP and collagen significantly (P=NS) in diabetic patients. Interestingly, in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who had associated IHD, the platelet aggregation increased around 9 percent induced by ADP (p<0.05) and around 11 percent induced by collagen(p<0.05) after TMT. Both were statistically significant.
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Title : Diaphallus - A Rare Anomaly of the Penis[Paper-2(Pictorial CME)]
Authors : Pooja Dutta and Gurudutt Bhaskar Basrur
Abstract :
A male child was brought to surgical OPD for the abnormality of the penis. The child had two penises. During examination the child urinated and the urine came out in two streams from two urethras [Figure 1].The penile duplication is an extremely rare disorder with only approximately 1000 cases of diphallia recorded since the first case reported by Jahannes Jacob Wecker in 16091. This occurs when the baby is born with 2 penises and it is seen in 1 out of 5,000,000 male births.
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Title : Mean Platelet Volume in Different Clinical Conditions with Special Reference to Diabetes and its Complications – A Short Review [Paper-3 (Review)]
Authors : Megha Oberoi, Hemant Mahur and Ashwini Upadhyay
Abstract :
Platelets play a major role in integrity of normal haematopoiesis, and mean platelet volume (MPV) is an indicator for its function .The large platelets contain more dense granules are more potent than smaller platelets and hence more thrombogenic . Both the size and number of granules in platelets in circulation are under independent hormonal control and do not change during the life span of the platelet. Increase in MPV has been documented in patients with metabolic syndrome, stroke and diabetes mellitus (DM).
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Title : Magnesium - An Essential Element, Vital for Human Health [Paper-4 (Review)]
Authors : Riya Pareek and S.K.Verma
Abstract :
Magnesium is one of the four essential metals for human health vital for numerous physiological functions. Biologically, magnesium is considered a "chronic regulator" and a "forgotten electrolyte," essential for numerous cellular processes. It is central to the activity of around 500 enzymes known as kinases, which regulate complex cellular functions. It is vital for electrolyte homeostasis and plays a critical role in controlling neuromuscular function, regulating heart rhythm, modulating vascular tone, and influencing hormone secretion. Magnesium is necessary for bone health, protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, and energy production. Deficiency in magnesium can lead to a range of health issues, including decreased bone density and an increased risk of various disorders.
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Title : Behavioural Addiction - A Short Review [Paper-5(Review)]
Authors : Aarjavi Shah, S. G. Mehta, Deepak Kumar Salvi and Swikriti Mathur
Abstract :
In the past few years especially with the inception of COVID-19 and subsequent lockdown periods, there has been increasing diagnostic concern around the compulsive or excessive use of various activities especially the digital ones and their potential to induce mental health problems besides the use of psychoactive substances. However, problematic or excessive uses of some of these activities are still goes unnoticed due to the overlapping conceptualisations. The current classificatory systems on psychiatric disorders diagnose certain conditions characterized by repetitive reward seeking behaviours that mimic with the most of the criteria for substance addiction and hence called behavioural addictions. The present review addresses these issues on conceptualisations of the phenomena within the research literature. The concepts or the phenomenon were extracted from various existing literature and subsequently content analysis method was utilized to analyse the concept. Furthermore, the current review also addresses a number of conceptualization shortcomings resulting from existing phenomenology, recent updates in classificatory systems and use of psychotherapeutic approaches on behavioural addictions.
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Title : Beyond Snoring: Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea [Paper-6 (Review)]
Authors : : Aastha Kankani, Piyush Bolya, Smarika Jain, Nibha Yadav, Mayank Gelot and Grishma Solanki
Abstract :
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder marked by recurrent episodes of partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep, leading to sleep disruption and significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation. Epidemiological data show that OSA affects a substantial portion of the adult population, with higher prevalence in males and individuals with obesity. The pathophysiology of OSA involves intricate interactions between anatomical and neuromuscular factors contributing to airway collapse, with key risk factors including obesity, craniofacial abnormalities, and genetic predispositions. Clinically, OSA manifests through symptoms such as loud snoring, witnessed apneas, excessive daytime sleepiness, and cognitive impairments. Diagnosis typically involves polysomnography or home sleep apnea testing to confirm the presence and severity of the disorder.
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Title : Reactive Attachment and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorders: A Short Review[Paper-7 (Review)]
Authors : Bhanupriya Krishnawat, Hrishika Kothari, S. G. Mehta and Deepak Kumar Salvi
Abstract :
Attachment is a vital ingredient of social and emotional development of any child during the early stages of development. Attachment disorders are considered to be the distinct patterns of dysfunctional behaviours in social situations. Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and Disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) are known as the disorders of attachment or socially aberrant problems in children those who have faced severe trauma or stress. These disorders have been described the recent version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) under the section entitled ‘Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders’. The current short review highlights the conceptualization and diagnostic validity of these conditions in our practice.
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Title : Human Papilloma Virus Related Lesions of Oral Cavity [Paper-8(Review)]
Authors : Swamini Mishra, Tushar Phulambrikar, Pooja Mahay, Tanvi Dosi, Neha Hissariya, Gauri Vijayvergiya, Urvashi Yadav and Priyanka
Abstract :
Human Papilloma Virus is most commonly sexually transmitted viral infection in the world. Papilloma virus is one of the oldest virus and causative agents of a group of oral lesions. Currently the incidence of HPV related oral lesions are steadily rising globally. This review gives an insight into the structure, transmission, and morphological characteristics of HPV and oral lesion related to HPV.
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Title : Erectile Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes – A Short Review[Paper-9 (Review)]
Authors : Yash Shah and Mahesh Dave
Abstract :
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem of getting or keeping an erection hard enough to achieve satisfactory sexual performance. The global prevalence of ED is 3–76.5%. ED constitutes a large burden on society given its high prevalence and impact on quality of life. Diabetes is a common cause of organic ED. Prevalence of ED in diabetes rate range from 35 % to 85% depending on the study, versus 26% in general population. ED occurs 10-15 years earlier in men with diabetes than it does in sex-matched counterparts without diabetes. The pathophysiology of diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction is multi-factorial. It is related to age, duration of diabetes, body mass index and diabetic complications.
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Title : Psychological Trauma and Associated Schemas of Sexual Assault among Female Sex Workers[Paper-10 (Observational Study)]
Authors : Shruti Patel, Shefali Upadhyay, S. G. Mehta and Deepak Kumar Salvi
Abstract :
Psychological trauma is a negative human experience to an event caused by a highly stressful situation. Female sex workers are vulnerable group of people who are found to be at increased risk of being assaulted and associated psychological trauma by opposite sex people irrespective of their workplaces. However despite being a high risk population, their concerns generally remain unidentified in most of the research areas.
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